Pressure Washing Case Study - Places for People

Client Details
Places for People
Court Gardens Leisure Complex, Pound Lane, Marlow
Pressure Washing WORK CARRIED OUT
Annual tennis court clean
Tennis Courts that are not properly maintained tend to have a short lifespan, as moss in particular has a devastating effect on the court surface. Pressure washing is the most important part of tennis court maintenance. By clearing the court of moss and algae build-up we have extended the life of the courts and made the area safer for players.
We ensured that the areas were cordoned off from the public and that we provided a quality and time efficient service without any disruption to the Leisure Centre or its customers. Our cleaning operatives are fully trained to carry out the works in hand. There is always a Ryemead Manager onsite who is IOSH trained to coordinate works on the day.
Our client signed off our works with an “excellent” score.